Upon entering the facility this week, you will notice some exciting changes! This weekend, the team spent ~20 hours
disassembling, moving, and reassembling equipment.
We have re-arranged both rooms to create more usable space, better sight lines for the coaches, and ultimately an
improved training experience for both small group and semi-private members.
The one major change we want everyone to be aware of is this:
Moving forward, the small group training sessions and semi-private training sessions will be switching rooms. Semiprivate sessions will now be held in the room closest to the front office, while small group training sessions will be
held in the room closest to the gym entrance.
By making this switch, we have created more space for BOTH sessions to run more smoothly and for you all to
move around the space more comfortably.
Take a look at the videos above to get a lay of the land before coming in for your sessions this week!