There are a few authors whose books I will pre-order without knowing
anything about them, simply because I trust I will find value in what
he or she has to say.
Brad Stulberg is on that short list.
“Peak Performance” written with his writing partner Steve Magness, is
a book that changed my life.
I recently finished reading his newest book, “Master of Change”. It did
not disappoint.
The book is about making change in an unstable environment.
We are always changing, and things are always changing around us.
Too often, we do not consider our ever-changing environment when
looking to improve ourselves. We bank on the things around us
staying constant – often a major blind spot in developing our plans of
The core principles regarding “mastering change” that Stulberg
outlines are the following:
1.Don’t worry about being the best. Worry about being the best at
getting better.
2.Consistency over intensity.
3.The people around you shape you.
4.Motivation follows action.
5.Work on being rugged and flexbile.
6.Process over outcomes.
7.You don’t think your way into being the person you want to be;
you act your way into it.