About a year ago, Carrie had hip replacement
Today, she is moving better, feeling better, down in
weight, and is stronger than ever.
Life throws curveballs at us all. It’s about the only
true guarantee we can make. Something WILL get
in the way. Progress in health and fitness is not
linear. It comes with peaks, valleys, hills, and little
bumps along the way.
There are a lot of things we can learn from the
fantastic approach and attitude Carrie adopted
throughout the pre-surgery, post-surgery, and
recovery processes.
When diagnosed with an issue that requires surgery
to fix, your gut reaction may be to seize all activity
and wait it out.
Carrie didn’t do that.
She actually did the opposite, ramping up her
training prior to surgery. There were plenty of
things she couldn’t do without pain. We didn’t focus
on those things. We found the things she COULD
do, ensuring she would go into her surgery and
recovery process as strong as possible.
It was probably frustrating for Carrie at times. But
boy…looking back, it ended up being worth it.
After surgery, on December 9th, Carrie began her
physical therapy work with Monica and the AMP
Performance & Rehab team. The goal of this period
was to check all of the boxes that would allow
Carrie to get back to her fitness training by the end
of the year.
By December 15th, she was back in action. The
BOLT Team worked closely with the AMP team to
create a return-to-fitness program that would allow
Carrie to continue working towards her goals, build
her strength slowly and safely, and get back to
feeling like her old self as quickly as possible.

For the first few weeks, Carrie re-introduced two workouts each week, in
addition to 1x/wk of Physical Therapy.
By December 29th, The AMP Team Discharged Carrie from PT, just two months
after surgery.
She’s been CRUSHING ever since.
There have been bumps. We’ve had to make tweaks. There were things we
needed to learn together.
But ultimately, through her hard work and commitment to the process, Carrie
put herself in a position to make her surgery, rehab, and return to fitness as
quick and seamless of a process as it could possibly be.
Things aren’t always going to be smooth and easy. You can only control what
you can control, just like Carrie did. She never wavered. She never quit. She
worked with a team to develop a process, and executed every single day.
That’s what it takes. No matter your goal or situation.
If you see Carrie around the facility, give her a high-five. She deserves her
props for committing to her process, and not letting a bump in the road deter
her from training to do the things she loves to do