If you’re ever at BOLT in the 7am hour, you’ve likely seen Tim
throwing medicine balls, lifting weights, and challenging himself on
the airdyne bike.
If you have…You’ve also likely noticed that the dude is working
There is a method to Tim’s madness, and it’s been paying off for
him in more ways than one.
Tim came to us a little over a year ago looking for training that
would help him get overall healthier, build some muscle, and
improve his golf game.
He will be the first to tell you – there have been plenty of mornings
where he will hear his alarm go off after a late night, open up the
Mindbody app, cancel his session for the day, and go back to bed.
When he does…He always gets that session in another day.
Tim has completed 104 workouts in the last 52 weeks. 2x/wk
average. Right on target.
More importantly, it is how he uses his time in the gym that
deserves some attention.
To tap into his competitive side and make coming to the gym more
interesting for him, Tim always has some sort of challenge, or
“mini-goal” that he is working towards.
Whether it is doing bodyweight pullups or hitting a certain mile
target on the bike, Tim comes into the gym each morning with
something specific he is striving for on that day. He works to
improve in these areas over shorter periods of time, working closer
to reaching his mini-goals before moving on to the next one.
Why does this matter?
We all need ways to hold ourselves accountable.