Patti came to us in 2018 after realizing she had a problem.
Well, it wasn’t really a problem yet…But she felt it was coming.
Patti saw that if she did not take initiative, she would be facing a
reality in the near future where her physical strength and health
would prevent her from fulfilling her purpose in life and doing the
things she loved.
She was a bit nervous. She was unsure of herself. She was afraid of
exercise. She didn’t yet know if she had what it took to build the
strength and stamina she needed to continue her amazing work
with her students (and now around the world).
Almost five years later, see what Patti has to say about the impact
her work at BOLT has had on her life, and in the lives of others
around her:
“People are drawn to becoming fit for a host of different reasons.
For me, as a special education teacher I was concerned about my
inability to at least keep my students’ safe. As I sat on the floor for
our school assembly I became more concerned about my ability to
get up from the floor rather than my physically handicapped
students’ needs. It was my wake up call so the very next day I found
I came to BOLT afraid to get out of the car, afraid of weights and
exercise. I had developed a protectiveness about my physical
abilities which had made me a spectator at most physical activities
instead of a participant.
Since joining the BOLT family I have changed in ways I never would
have imagined. My fears are completely gone in every physical
context. My confidence has soared. I believe BOLT is actually the
fountain of youth.”
On a recent trip to Ghana my daughters were amazed at my ability
to join in on all the adventures. My coworkers who are half my age
struggle to keep up with me. I can’t even find the words to express
how important BOLT has been to me.”
Patti has experienced, and continues to experience success
because she committed to the fundamentals.
She shows up consistently. She works hard. She communicates
when things are going well, and asks for help when she is
struggling in any way.
Most importantly, she has worked with our team to find a formula
that works for Patti…
That’s what it’s all about. Finding a way to execute the
fundamentals consistently, in a way that works for YOU.
Give Patti some love next time you see her around the gym