“Any path towards progress includes peaks, valleys, and plateaus. If you are in it for the excitement of
outcomes, you probably won’t last long. You need to be dedicated to the process. What helps with
staying on the path: relentless consistency, a good community, learning to have fun while workng hard,
and sleeping at night.”
― Brad Stulberg, “Master of Change”
I love this quote from Brad Stulberg’s book, “Master of Change”.
it’s exciting to achieve some sort of positive result. It’s the reason we are all here. We work our
tails off at work, at home, and in the gym in order to move towards some sort of positive outcome.
The problem with a results-focused approach in any of these areas of our lives, is that they come
The better you get, the more slowly they come.
We have to keep our focus on the work. The work is what leads to the result.
That can be tough. The work isn’t the fun part. The results are the fun part.
The question then becomes, “How can you have more fun doing the work?”
Take the work seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Surround yourself with great people
who have common goals, and are willing to do the same. Manage your expectations, understanding
that results to not come quickly, easily, or in a linear fashion. Expect some peaks, but also expect
some valleys.
It’s a lot easier to work through the tough times when you know they’re bound to come.
Try to enjoy it. We’re lucky to have the opportunity to be physically active every day.
Don’t take it for granted. Trust the process. Enjoy the process. The results will be there.